Twitter / ryanbecker

Sunday, June 8, 2008

..:: absence of the sun ::..

My sun, where are you, where have you gone?

I miss your friendly face.

I long to see your beaming smile

and feel your warm embrace.

Today the sky is void of color.

With grey darkness, damp and cold.

The birds won’t sing, the leaves won’t glisten

and the flowers won’t unfold.

An opaque brume has come between,

to you and I divide.

And Mother Nature in her reverence

has bowed her sorrowed head and cried.

I cry too as I sit alone inside

and stare through rain-washed pane.

I recount all the days since you’ve been gone

and question how long apart you will remain.

I miss the splendor of your scintillating, selfless shine

and the glow of golden rays

I miss the joyful energy you provide

and your watchful, cheerful gaze.

I miss the way you share your life and light

with grass and rock and trees.

I miss your reflection on the surface of the lake

and the way your radiance warms the breeze.

I’ll look for you my salient friend,

and watch for your return.

When the rain subsides, and the clouds depart

for your summertime sojurn.

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