Twitter / ryanbecker

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

..:: dogs life ::..

Would you trade places with this little gal?

I'll tell you what, some days I sure think that I would like to.

Do you think that sounds stupid? Well, hear me out first...

Let me give you a brief glimpse of Chonte's typical day:
  1. Sleep in till 9:00
  2. Get picked up and carried outside to take care of necessary business.
  3. Get picked up and carried back inside after necessary business has been taken care of.
  4. Get lavished with praises, petting, and tasty treats simply for taking care of necessary business.
  5. Take another 15 minute nap on the couch.
  6. Get picked up and carried to comfy bed, which has been carefully prepared on back porch where you proceed to nap comfortably in the warm sun for the next 4 hours and stare at the beautiful mountains while master goes to work to slave away for money to pay bills and put food on table.
  7. Awake from nap to the sound of master entering house for lunch break.
  8. Get showered with more praises, petting and more tasty treats simply because you did such a good job of lounging lazily in the sun for the past four hours.
  9. Get fed a tasty mid-day meal.
  10. Get another tasty treat treat for finishing your tasty meal.
  11. Get carried outside to take care of necessary business.
  12. Get carried back inside and showered with praises, petting and treats for taking care of necessary business.
  13. Switch comfy bed from back porch to front porch because that is where the warm sunshine is shining in the afternoon.
  14. Wave goodbye to poor unfortunate master who has to go back to work to slave away for another 4 hours of grueling work to pay bills and put food on the table.
  15. Spend next three hours watching attractive neighbor dogs of opposite sex strut their stuff up and down the block and barking ferociously at the competition who is vying for "alpha dog" title.
  16. Chew on beefy barbecue-basted, chewy treat master has left to help you pass the time.
  17. Daydream until you fall asleep in the warm sunshine.
  18. Wake up to the sound of masters car pulling up the driveway after a long hard day of work.
  19. Get showered with praises, petting and tasty treat for doing such a wonderful job of relaxing in the sun all afternoon.
  20. Go on a stimulating walk around the block a few times to get the heart pumping, and maintain that shapely figure.
  21. Wag bushy tail, and bat eyelashes at sexy dog next door.
  22. Pee on every fence post, tree stump, and un-mowed blade of grass in yard of evil competition who is vying for "alpha dog" status and the love of sexy dog next door.
  23. Return home happy, invigorated and ready for another nap.
  24. Get showered with more praises and petting... just because "your so cute"
  25. Nap on couch until dinner is ready.
  26. Get served tasty dinner from master.
  27. Get showered with more praises, petting and tasty treats for finishing dinner.
  28. Relax on couch while master cleans up and does dishes.
  29. Get carried outside to take care of necessary business.
  30. Get showered with... well, you know the drill.
  31. Have a stimulating game of "get the doggie" before bedtime.
  32. Take position in customary spot at foot of masters bed for a good nights sleep after a hard day's work.
Now do you see what I mean.

Trading places with "the Chonster" doesn't sound like too bad of a deal to me... at least for a day. Unfortunately Chonte doesn't seem to be quite as excited about the idea as I was.


Garren said...

Chonte, great job training him! All that hard work seems to be paying off.

ryan said...

I admit, some of that 'pampering' has been from me, but the majority of it comes from Rischelle... sometimes I think she spoils Chonte a bit too much, but lil' Chonte has perfected the "puppy eyes" look and when she pulls that out of the bag, she is pretty hard to resist. (I do have to take full credit for the game of "get the doggie" just before bed time however... yep, that is all me.)