Twitter / ryanbecker

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

..:: blogger blues be gone ::..

I think any one who has maintained a blog for more than a week can identify with this little comic strip. Thought you'd enjoy.

I am having fun as a blogger, but I must admit, it can be a bit overwhelming at times trying to update the ol' blog, even on a semi-daily basis, much less a daily basis. I strive to provide my readers with a perpetual flow of fun and interesting new information, each time they visit my site, but unfortunately some days it is hard to come up with anything "blog-worthy" to talk about.

The only thing worse than having a stale blog is making posts to a blog which only serve to bore your readers into a coma. I hope none of my previous posts are guilty of that.

I read an article in the newspaper the other day that the stress of blogging is actually hurting peoples health and in some extreme cases has led to massive heart attacks. That is just ridiculous if you ask me. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not a tempest chore. If it ain't fun stop doing it. I don't want to lose any of my close friends into the blogger black hole!

Anyway, I guess my parting advice is to always keep a vigilant eye out for the unusual, but most importantly, lighten up, have fun and stop stressin'

Blog on fellow bloggers... blog on!


Jayne said...


(I couldn't help it.)

Garren said...

There definately is that pull to keep the ol' blog fresh. I guess, over time, it becomes a part of you and you get used to it and want everybody to look at it, much like a good sized wart.