Twitter / ryanbecker

Monday, March 31, 2008

..:: deja vu ::..

Tonight I find myself blogging from my old, almost forgotten bedroom at my parents home. I was forced to abandon my own house for the night, due to a lack of running water. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, but when I got home from my PHP class tonight, I entered my home to find that I had no running water anywhere in the house.

I know it can't be that the pipes froze up, because although we did get a small blizzard that blew through the area today, (even though we're a good two weeks into Spring - gotta love Montana), this is nothing compared to the three or four weeks of solid sub-zero temps we had back in December and January. And I know it can't be that I forgot to pay my water bill, because I am not on city water, but rather well water.

At first I thought it was an electrical problem, perhaps a breaker blew or something, because my well water uses an electric pump, but I checked the breaker box and all was fine, plus all of the lights and electrical equipment inside the house are working fine, so the only thing it could possibly be is that the pump itself shut down for whatever reason. Which is odd, because the house was completely remodeled only about a year ago, and supposedly they put in a brand new pump when they redid the house, (suddenly I am having my doubts that that is true however).

At any rate, that is why I find myself blogging from the old bedroom that I used to call home, many, many years ago.

Yeah, I suppose I could have toughed it out for one night in my house without running water, it certainly would not have been the end of the world, but there is one thing that I absolutely hate to do without, especially on a work day, and that is a toasty-hot shower in the morning...

Ooooohhhh yeeaaahhh! Gotta love the steamy hot shower! I find it hard to do anything in the morning before my twenty-minute download of steamy-hot goodness.

I'll have to call the landlord first thing in the morning and see what the problem is. I don't want to free load off the parents for too long. Plus, as you can see in the picture above, the bed I'm sleeping in tonight is rather puny, I am used to my spacious and comfy double bed, this little twin is barely big enough to roll over in without collapsing to the floor, but it'll do for tonight. Now I think I'm going to close my eyes and start dreaming of tomorrow morning's twenty-minute download of steamy-hot goodness. Goodnight!

This message was sent using PIX-FLIX Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

..:: potters wheel ::..

My friend Virginia invited me and a few friends out to the studio where she works this evening for a complimentary home-coked meal and to try our hand at throwing some pottery on the potters wheel.

First off, let me give props to Virginia... the dinner was T-A-S-T-Y! Homemade stew and fresh baked croissants made from scratch. Delicious.

After the tasty dinner we got to try our hand at throwing some pottery on the wheel. This was a blast. It is really a very relaxing, and therapeutic exercise. A bit more complex then what Virginia, (the seasoned pro), makes it look, but I picked up on the strategy pretty quick.

You have to walk a fine line between forceful power and gentle caress. Figuring out the right balance is the key. Also, it kind of reminded me of snowboarding a bit. - I know that sounds weird, but before you write me off as a weirdo, hear me out.

When I was learning to snowboard, my friends told me, "The best way to learn is to just head straight to the top where the slopes are steep and the powder is deep." And you know what, they were right.
I happened to get lost in a fog cloud at the summit of Big Mountain that day on my first trip down the mountain, and took a wrong turn into a black diamond moguls slope where I almost broke my tail bone and got a concussion, but that is another story.
My point is the concept is true. In snowboarding, you just gotta go for it, find a slope that gives you a decent amount of speed, and just drop in. Things go a lot better for you when you have some momentum at your back.

That's kind of how it is with the potters wheel. When you are getting started you are afraid to let the wheel spin too fast. Afraid that your little ball of clay will break away from the wheel and fly off and kill someone, or poke someones eye out. But the truth is, it is infinitely harder to get the clay balanced in the center of the wheel, much less actually work it into a beautiful shape if you are holding back and trying to work too slowly and too cautiously. You just gotta go for it. A valuable lesson in pottery and in life.

Thanks Virginia for a great evening!

..:: goodnight google ::..

The Internet twilight zone continues...

For any of you that read my blog post from yesterday, check this out... the Internet abnormalities continue today.

I closed my day out yesterday with a series of strange happenings on the Internet... strange anomalies to the status quo. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, change can be good. I like change, I like to get a break from the ordinary, a departure from the cliche. I mean, lets face it that's kind of what this blog is all about.

Still, recent online events have somewhat taken me by surprise, and it all started when I hit the end of the Internet, did a u-turn and started back again... freaky I know! It is as if I am now surfing through an alternate dimension in cyberspace. (If you don't know what I am talking about read yesterdays blog.) First weird things were happening with my blogger comments... then I had an epiphany of Google's inept attempt at lending a helping hand to the handicap... then, I wake up this morning, go online to do some research, pull up my favorite search engine - Google of course, (ineptitude aside they still offer the best searching capabilities), and this is what I see...

Yeah...Google Gone Black!... Lights Out... Goodnight Google!

Your starting to believe my alternate universe cyberspace theory aren't you? I'm telling you... freaky things are going on... FREAKY THINGS!

I wish I had never taken that fateful trip to Eric's blog and followed that wicked little link that sent me to the edge of the Internet. Things may never be the same again. Then again, this might be fun. The net was getting a little too predictable anyway. Maybe it is time to throw a little more creativity into the cliche, spice things up a bit.

So, thanks Eric. You have helped me to opened the portal to a whole new world of cyberspace-surprises... an Internet-wonderland! Who knows what could happen next... a magenta myspace... a yellow Yahoo! Anything could happen! Yaaaahooooooo!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

..:: captcha what? ::..

Okay so I am trying to leave a comment on one of my friends blogs tonight, when all of the sudden I see this message pop up in the spot where the captcha image is supposed to be...

Okay... so, what now... Am I actually supposed to type in "Visual verification" as my captcha message? I mean, what the heck is this all about? I'm freaked out... I don't know what to do. My familiar routine has been broken.

There are some strange things going on in the Internet world tonight... first of all, I'm surfing along, minding my own business, chilling on Eric M's blog when all the sudden I reach a complete dead end... the end of the Internet as we know it - (see post). So I make a u-turn and head back into what I thought was "normality" and then I run into this little snafu... what the heck is going on? I'm scared!

Kidding... I'm not actually scared... well, maybe just a little. But there is something definitely not right with the world tonight.

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Take another good look at this image...

Do you see the little blue handicap dude sitting in his wheelchair? I really do not get the point of this.

Apparently this little blue "wheelchair dude" is an audio alternative to the captcha image for people who cannot see. You click on "little blue wheelchair dude" and you get a a scrambled audio version of a captcha image instead of having to read it.


Does anybody else see the irony in that? I mean, if Mr. blind web surfer cannot see the captcha image, how in the heck is he going to find the little blue handicap dude in order to click on him?

Heck, the little blue handicap dude is smaller and harder to see than the captcha image. Not only that, but how is the blind surfer going to even know where his mouse cursor is on the screen, much less position it over the little blue handicap dude. I mean come on Google... I thought you guys were supposed to be so brilliant. Kinda dropped the ball on that one... I'm just sayin'

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

..:: mighty ::..

Here's my post-Easter shout-out to Christ! Another video I made up with some pictures I took around the area last summer.

Wow...viewing this makes me long for spring and summer even more! Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

..::resurrection day::..

Joyous Resurrection Day to everyone!

What a great service at Fresh Life today! The congregation was ecstatic to have Levi back live at the pulpit for the first time since his snowmobiling accident, even if he did have to sit rather than stand like normal. Levi did an excellent job and many people made a commitment to Christ... what more could you ask for on this eventful day?!

Unfortunately the Sun and blue skies that blessed our valley yesterday decided not to stick around for today, but that's okay, it was a good day regardless. Great church service... enjoyable lunch afterwards w/ family and friends...

...Sadly I had to finish up my day by stretching my mind to finish up my Lab Work for the PHP class I am taking at the college. I am enjoying the class, but this last week was spring break, and I had laid my workbook aside for the week to relax and - I must admit - I was enjoying the hiatus from all the brain crunching, so trying to get back into "learning mode" was a struggle this evening, but I am pressing on.

Ahhhh.... I know just the thing to turn this day back around and end it on a high note... I am off to the kitchen to make myself an Almond Roca Latte... pure heavenly bliss in a cup!


..:: update ::..

Oh, yeah...that's what I'm talkin' about....YUMMY!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Wow, what a beautiful day in the Flathead Valley. I and a couple friends had to get out and play a game of Frisbee at Lawrence park in Kali.

Then we topped it off w/a root beer float @ A&W. Great day to be alive! I am so ready for spring! Let me know what season you're your answer in the poll at the upper right of this page!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

..:: confessions of an ex-martian ::..

Okay, in following up to my previous post about the “oil change” and my healthy disapproval of the “wal-martian way,” I must confess – though I hate to admit it -- that I too am an ex-martian.

Yes, it is true. I belonged to the Kalispell sect of Wal-Martians for almost four years. It was a depressing, disheartening, often times a rather scary period in my life and it is painful to talk about it even now. I was one of the night-stockers at the Kalispell “Wally-Pod.”

By day I would appear to be a normal every-day kind of guy, but every night around 10:30 pm I would drive into the Wally-Pod and take on my alternate form as a sleep-depraved, underpaid, miserable wal-martian with bloodshot eyes and a listless stare.

Yuck… the thought of it still makes me cringe to this day. I remember how the “pod managers” used to lock us in over night so that we couldn’t escape, and often times they would try and get us to do the “Martian Cheer” an unfathomably frightening experience that I absolutely refused to take part in and one which still haunts me everytime I walk through the sliding front doors of “the pod.”

I used to not even be able to shop there, it was just to grim of a reminder of the endless nights I spent as a “martian-stocker.” Fortunately time heals all wounds and I am finally able to shop there again with only the occasional cringe when I see a palate of un-stocked merchandise being pulled out onto the floor by one of the new-breed of wal-martians.

So if there are any other wal-martians (current or ex) who read this blog, all I can say is, I feel your pain! If you are and ex-martian like me… congratulations on having the fortitude and perseverance to escape, and if you are still stuck in the “Wally Pod” well… my prayers are with you… and let this post be an inspiration to you that freedom is possible… your D-Day is not far off.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

..:: time for a change ::.. is that time again... time for an oil change. I have taken it upon myself to change the oil in my Isuzu Rodeo the last few times it has needed it, not because I particularly enjoy it, not even because I am cheep and trying to save a few bucks... no, I have done it myself because Wal-Mart has refused to change my oil any more because they say my engine has a knock in it, and they are afraid to touch it, for fear that I will sue them should my engine blow-up as I am leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot. - True story! (Those 'Wal-Martians' are a bit weird if you ask me.)

Anyway, that is why I have been forced to take this dirty, time consuming, slightly annoying and all-to tedious of a task upon my own shoulders. (Although I will admit, it does satisfy some underlying masculine desire to be the master and commander of your own machine. ;-) But that's another story for another blog post.

Today I have decided to go with the low end Wal-Mart special Super-Tech brand of oil. Again, not because I am a cheapskate, but because my poor little Rodeo is old, sickly, and frankly I don't really think he would notice the difference between the $1.40 Wal-Mart brand and the $3.50 high-end brand anyway.

Ain't this a pretty view?

Darn Wal-Martians... who cares if the engine has a knock... can't I just sign a waiver or something... just change the freakin' oil people... I won't sue... I promise!


Though there may be an understated "manly satisfaction" from changing your own oil, I am secure enough in my manhood to admit that I will NEVER enjoy the feeling - or the smell - of dirty used oil smeared all over my hands and arms.

Darn Wal-Martians!

As I unscrew the oil filter and try to remove it from the tangled web of iron that makes up the front portion of my engine, I somehow manage to get the darn thing wedged between a bolt and the metal frame of my front bumper... I struggle for 20 minutes trying to remove it!

Urrghhh!... Darn Wal-Martians!

When I finally get the stupid oil filter un-stuck, I crawl out from beneath my engine to see my dog Chonte cracking a smirk as she tries not to laugh at me. -- I'm glad to see someone is enjoying this fiasco.

Darn Wal-Martians!

I could be playing pool right now... or watching old re-runs of MASH... anything but this!!!

Oh yeah... and wipe that smirk off your face Chonte!

Finally, the messy part is over. Now all I got to do is fill the engine with the new oil, then I can call it a day.

Check out my sweet redneck oil funnel... a sawed-off coke bottle! How "redneck" is that! Shhh...don't tell anybody else about that one. But hey... it was free and it got the job done.

Mission accomplished. I feel somewhat satisfied in a job well done, but mostly I just feel like I wasted an hour-and-a-half of my life on something I really was not cut out to do in the first place...

Darn Wal-Martians!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

..:: extraordinary in the ordinary ::..

I was amazed as I read through my daily devotion today how perfect the message went along with the central theme of my Cre8tiveCliche Blog.

I had to quote today’s message here for all my readers as it does an exceptional Job of reinforcing what my main premise was in originally creating this blog (see ..:: inception::.. my first blog post if you need a reminder of what my blog is primarily about.

This quote comes from the “Experiencing God” devotional written by Henry and Richard Blackaby which I have been reading through this year. This devotional was a Christmas gift from my good friend John B. (I have told you before John, but I’ll say it here again, thanks for the great gift, I am truly enjoying it.)

“The Extraordinary in the Midst of The Ordinary.”

Moses was going through the routine of his day when he noticed an ordinary thing: a burning bush. Moses also noticed something extraordinary. Although the bush was burning, it was not consumed. Moses turned aside to look more closely. When the Lord saw Moses turning aside from the routine of his day, He spoke to him. Everything God had been doing for forty years in Moses’ life was culminating in this moment. So much of God’s redemptive plan waited for Moses to notice the uncommon.

There will be times when, immersed in the ordinary details of life, you may be oblivious to the extraordinary that is right next to you. You can be in the midst of a common moment, only this time the activity is filled with the presence of God. There may be times when, in the middle of your hurried day, you notice something unusual. Your first reaction might be “I’m too tired to go aside to investigate this!” or “ I’m not going to disrupt my life for this.” Yet, in that moment you may have the opportunity for a unique encounter with God.

God usually speaks out of the ordinary experiences of life. Often, it is not while you are worshiping at church. Many of Gods most profound and history-changing encounters come during the ordinary experiences of life. When you see the unusual in the midst of the mundane, don’t continue business as usual. It may be that God has ordained that moment to be a life changing time for you and those around you.

Exodus 3:4 So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”

Monday, March 3, 2008

..:: majesty ::..

I created this photo/video montage a few months back using some photos that I took around the valley and in Glacier Park. All of the photo's in the montage were taken with my Digital Rebel.

I thought you all might enjoy...make sure your speakers are turned up!