Twitter / ryanbecker

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

..:: out of towners ::..

I ran into this tough hombre and his little girlfriend as I was leaving work today.

He's obviously not a local. The chill in his eyes and his dull, blank stare make me think he might be from the Butte area... but the shaggy beard that he and his girlfriend were both sporting lead me to believe that they may be from the deep dark woods somewhere in the Yaak.

Wherever he is from, he doesn't seem to be to fond of the locals, because as I walked passed his truck he was barking some expletives that I cannot repeat here in this family-friendly blog.


Jake Bramante said...

Judging by the plates, he's from Lincoln County. I grew up in Libby and know quite a few folks just like him. Avoidance is your best bet, but push comes to shove and you have to talk to him, just ask him, "Got your deer?" and you'll be golden.

Garren said...

I'm sure you have noticed that this time of year is a bit gloomy and quite favorable for facial hair. Give him a month and a couple of sunny days and he'll be back to normal.

Jayne said...

This is awesome! My dog does that too I am always telling him, "That's not appropriate language in front of the kids!"