Twitter / ryanbecker

Friday, February 15, 2008

..:: bed monsters ::..

I was a bit spooked when I entered my room tonight to get ready for bed. I thought a Gremlin or some other spooky monster had taken up habitation under my covers. I caught a glimpse of some movement under the blankets, and then two slanted eyes appeared and began glowing in the darkness. I started to freak and grab for the nearest baseball bat or frying pan to bash the Gremlin over the head and take back the control of my once comfortable and cozy bed, when all of the sudden I heard a tiny "meow" eek out of the terrible beast and I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that this wasn't an evil monster after all, but just my cat "Katie" huddled under the covers trying to stay warm in the frigid temps...(I keep the heat turned down in the lower level of my house where my room is in order to save on propane... you think bed monsters are scary... you should see my heating bill!)

Anyway, I sure am glad I didn't bash the "monster" over the head with a frying pan... I don't think Katie would have forgiven me for that one.


Seth said...

Wow! you've been busy bloggin'. And I thought that my house was cold. Don't tell me that when you got into your bed, you snuggled your feet into the warm spot from you kitty-cat, to avoid turning up your thermostat! That would just be too Montanan for other people to understand.

Garren said...

Nice picture of the gremlin eyes...I must admit, between you and I, I did soil myself a tiny bit when I first saw it. I understand your initial fear.