Twitter / ryanbecker

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

..:: i remember ::..

Sometimes when you are living in the Flathead Valley during the long, cold, dull and dreary months of winter, it is easy to forget exactly why you once loved this place enough to pack up everything and move up here. When the sun disappears behind an opaque brume for months on end and the day-to-day doldrums of life's stress pound away at you like a jackhammer to the soul, it can make you slip into a comatose of apathy and listlessness.

But when the clouds finally roll away and the beautiful sun shines through and Montana's "Big Sky" returns to it's preeminent state of blue... then you remember...

You remember why you first fell in love with this mecca of mountains, lakes, rivers, forests and pure natural beauty. You remember what it feels like to be alive.

The last few days have been a wonderful wake-up call for me and a much needed reminder of how blessed I am even though circumstances try and tell me otherwise. Even though life seems to be throwing it's worst at me, I can still lift my eyes to a sunlit mountain range burning amber in the alpenglow of a setting Montana sun and know that I am blessed, if for no other reason then the fact that I am here to witness this winters evening phenomenon... I am blessed.


Seth said...

Wow! No kidding! It's funny, I haven't gotten a phone call for a wedding in around a month. ( totally normal ) and then, as soon as the sun comes out, I get three in one day! I can't wait for this summer to get in a ton of hiking!

Garren said...

It is almost impossible to be out in this sun and warmth and be in a bad mood. I walked down to the buffalo cafe in a tee shirt today and noticed that everybody was jovial...almost giddy. I know I was.