Twitter / ryanbecker

Thursday, January 31, 2008

..:: blackness within ::..

I smile.
I smile often.
Sometimes I do not know why.
I kid myself and say it is because
  my heart is always happy
  and that that happiness is reflecting on the outside.
But that is not always the case.
Today I don’t feel happiness.
Today I feel stress.
Today I feel loneliness.
Today I feel vanquished
  by the winds of life and love
  or the lonesome lack thereof.

Still I smile.
Why do I smile?
Why can’t I show people
  the way I truly feel inside.
Why can’t I share my sadness
  with those that pretend to care?
Why do I try to shine
  when there is blackness within?

Who am I trying to protect?
Is it them or me
  that I am trying to shelter?
Why do I try to give
  when all I feel is emptiness inside?
Why won’t people accept
  what little I have to share?
Why do people only take notice
  when the end game profits them?

Still - I fight the blackness
  and shine a spiritless smile
  in spite of my chagrin.
But as the smile shines
  the hypocrisy confines
  and the blackness grows within.

I cannot help but smile.
I guess that is just what I do.
I have faith that tomorrow
  will reward today’s joy.
But thus far that’s been a lie.
So when I look at you I smile
  though deep inside I cry.


Seth said...

I'll bet that when you saw that you had your first comment on your blog, that you gave a little "genuine" smile! I listed your blog as one of my links, I hope that was OK. It took me a while to find your blog. There are several out there with very simalar names. One was a gal in Canada, and another was a gal in England. Your's is the best of them though. I tried to leave a comment yesterday, and spent some time doing it, but the little security picture was not there, and I couldn't get it to pop up! Everything that I wrote was lost. Oh well. See ya later.

Garren said...

I like the honesty in this. There are not many who would admit that not all is fine when they say "I'm fine, how are you."
Keep smiling...Jayne and I have commented on how we appreciate your frequent smile.