Twitter / ryanbecker

Saturday, March 29, 2008

..:: goodnight google ::..

The Internet twilight zone continues...

For any of you that read my blog post from yesterday, check this out... the Internet abnormalities continue today.

I closed my day out yesterday with a series of strange happenings on the Internet... strange anomalies to the status quo. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, change can be good. I like change, I like to get a break from the ordinary, a departure from the cliche. I mean, lets face it that's kind of what this blog is all about.

Still, recent online events have somewhat taken me by surprise, and it all started when I hit the end of the Internet, did a u-turn and started back again... freaky I know! It is as if I am now surfing through an alternate dimension in cyberspace. (If you don't know what I am talking about read yesterdays blog.) First weird things were happening with my blogger comments... then I had an epiphany of Google's inept attempt at lending a helping hand to the handicap... then, I wake up this morning, go online to do some research, pull up my favorite search engine - Google of course, (ineptitude aside they still offer the best searching capabilities), and this is what I see...

Yeah...Google Gone Black!... Lights Out... Goodnight Google!

Your starting to believe my alternate universe cyberspace theory aren't you? I'm telling you... freaky things are going on... FREAKY THINGS!

I wish I had never taken that fateful trip to Eric's blog and followed that wicked little link that sent me to the edge of the Internet. Things may never be the same again. Then again, this might be fun. The net was getting a little too predictable anyway. Maybe it is time to throw a little more creativity into the cliche, spice things up a bit.

So, thanks Eric. You have helped me to opened the portal to a whole new world of cyberspace-surprises... an Internet-wonderland! Who knows what could happen next... a magenta myspace... a yellow Yahoo! Anything could happen! Yaaaahooooooo!

1 comment:

Jake Bramante said...

Ryan, get a Mac. It will make things a lot less confusing.