Twitter / ryanbecker

Sunday, March 23, 2008

..::resurrection day::..

Joyous Resurrection Day to everyone!

What a great service at Fresh Life today! The congregation was ecstatic to have Levi back live at the pulpit for the first time since his snowmobiling accident, even if he did have to sit rather than stand like normal. Levi did an excellent job and many people made a commitment to Christ... what more could you ask for on this eventful day?!

Unfortunately the Sun and blue skies that blessed our valley yesterday decided not to stick around for today, but that's okay, it was a good day regardless. Great church service... enjoyable lunch afterwards w/ family and friends...

...Sadly I had to finish up my day by stretching my mind to finish up my Lab Work for the PHP class I am taking at the college. I am enjoying the class, but this last week was spring break, and I had laid my workbook aside for the week to relax and - I must admit - I was enjoying the hiatus from all the brain crunching, so trying to get back into "learning mode" was a struggle this evening, but I am pressing on.

Ahhhh.... I know just the thing to turn this day back around and end it on a high note... I am off to the kitchen to make myself an Almond Roca Latte... pure heavenly bliss in a cup!


..:: update ::..

Oh, yeah...that's what I'm talkin' about....YUMMY!


Jayne said...

Golly! I think you need to be in charge of hot drinks at interface! :) I want my drink to look that good.

Garren said...

You must bring your latte equipment to interface sometime. I'd pay for one of those and leave a tip.